Senior PHP Developer, Dot Net Developer IOS & UI SOA Designer Developer Jobs in Chennai, Hyderabad, and different other cities in India.

2-IOS Developer
Required by colan infotech pct ltd. with 2-4 year experience in the role of Software developer and IT Software service. Qualified candidate may apply through our website.
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1-IOS Developer Jobs vacant at Tychon Solutions Pvt Limited in Chennai, India. Qualified Graduated with hands on experience in IOS, iphone, Objective C & Cocoa Touch, Restfulf APIs can apply directly through our website.
2-Android Developer required by Tychon located in Chennai, India.
Graduation in any discipline is required for this post. Candidate having relevant experience (in Android DSK REST Ful, APIs, UI Design patterns, Java, HTMLS, Jquery, CSS3 and Java Script) can apply through our website.
3-UI Developer jobs in Chennai, India.

Automation Engineer Jobs in Bangalore in India. with key skills of Junit, TestNg, Selenium Web Driver, UI, HTTP, API Endpoint testing tails.

Java Developer required in Chennai, India with qualification of and 2-3 years of relevant experience in the field of JAVA and core areas of multi threading collections interfaces etc, spring configuration, CDI, Basic SQL query and good communication skills. Dotnet Developer required in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai with role of Software developer. Key Skills: HTML5, CSS3, JS framework, and Cordova/PhoneGap JAVA/Cloud Developer jobs available in Chennai India, key skills: JEE Frame work, deasign pattern and SOA Design